Saturday, September 25, 2010

History Of Comics

In my last post I talked about the art change in comics and how it has affected other types of media. This time I would like to talk more about the actual history of comics. Particularly the golden age.
Lets start with what the golden age is. Its the age when comics first started up until about the 1960's. The early 1930's is when the comic book originated and that was originally a comic book had multiple different comic strips. This was so there was something for everyone. The first superhero comic and also the first comic to have its own serialized book was superman. However I don't want to spend this entire post telling you the story of comics books I actually want to comment on my thoughts on the old heros and the comic book censorship that took place in the 50's.
First my thoughts on the old heros the ones that have existed sense the dawn of comics, superman, batman, the entire lot of them. They were the heros that captured the imagination of the children of the great depression and of world war 2. These heros were something fantastic, but what about in our day and age how do they old up? Here is what I think, I think some have held up better then other Superman for instance is to over powered in my opinion he has one flaw an incredibly rare and expensive stone, it would be like a human only being able to die by swallowing plutonium. Then there is batman and this will show my personal bias because he is my favorite hero. Batman transcends time lines really because he could really be placed in any time with cutting edge weaponry and still fit, and he still mortal, with the right budget anyone could do it. Then there is Captain America, I think this hero is incredibly outdated, he is a character that played heavily on the nationalism of World War 2. Which in the modern day and age makes him appear like a rather flat character. Then I want to talk on the topic of the censorship panels.
Censorship, to me it is one of the ugliest words in the English language. It means repression of thoughts and ideas that could be important to a particular sector of the public, ideas that could shape and change the world. The foolishness of censorship really leads to deliberate ignorance, and that is why the censorship panels of comics and all censorship in general is completely foolish to me. The worst part was the suppression of art. Art, in my opinion, is one of the best mediums for expressing ideas, so when censorship represses art it is particularly heinous. Even if one believes that comics are the lowest form of art they have to see that comics do serve a purpose they can enlighten and educate a sector of the population that would normally not be exposed to these ideas even if they are radical, or stupid they serve a purpose.


  1. Censorship is indeed deeply sad. Nice post.

  2. I agree that censorship should not repress art. Art should not be censored at all; people do amazing things when they can let themselves go.

    Picasso? Salvador Dali? Good stuff.
